Building limitless futures for deaf and hard-of-hearing children.

With the right equipment, early intervention, and loving instruction, deaf and hard-of-hearing children can now learn to listen and speak.

Spokane HOPE is the only program in eastern Washington that offers this vital instruction with services and classes from birth to preschool. With the ability to hear and speak, our students are empowered to chase their dreams and amplify their impact on the world around them. 
This is the miracle of HOPE.

The Stories of HOPE

Hearing the words ‘your child is deaf’ can be like a gut punch, knocking you to your knees. In this video, three HOPE families tell their emotional stories of hearing the news and finding the gift of HOPE.

Kassie holding a rock with a fossil of a shell

I feared a life of silence...

“Wow, this girl. She stole my heart from the beginning. For a short time I had pictured a life of limitations. Then we found HOPE School…

He loves the music class!

“Jackson was born with unilateral hearing loss. When we received his diagnosis, we were a week away from moving with a newborn and a sea of unknown ahead…

Jackson smiling!

Can you believe our Hoedown for HOPE is coming up on Saturday, October 5th? Time to celebrate 13 years of a great event and 20 years of changing the lives of local children who are deaf or hard of hearing! Purchase your tickets today to reserve your place at this awesome shindig.

We can’t wait to see you there!

Give HOPE Today

Spokane HOPE provides vital and time-sensitive services to children with hearing loss. We are funded primarily by the generosity of private donors. If you would like to help the only program in eastern Washington that teaches deaf and hard of hearing children to listen and speak, donate today!